Start climbing in a few easy steps!
1) Fill Out Our Waiver
(Waivers for minors must be filled out by a parent.)
2) Dress The Part
Wear thin socks for rental shoes or buy a pair of our socks. Clothing worn should be light enough to not overheat in & flexible enough to move in. Wear shorts or pants that reach to the knees so the harness is not rubbing on skin and shirts that are long enough to still provide coverage when arms are raised overhead. Tie hair out of the way. No hats, sunglasses, or unnecessary layers (nothing that could fall off of your person as you are climbing.
3) Come to Crux!
4) Purchase A Day Pass
5) Get Fitted For Shoes
Tell us your street size and we will give you a pair to try. We can switch sizes out for you at any time. Unlike street shoes, you want your climbing shoes tight. They should fit snug, but not be uncomfortable.
6) Put Your Belongings Upstairs
Use the restroom before taking off your shoes and putting on climbing shoes. Take off jacket, shoes, sunglasses, hat, & take everything out of your pockets. Nothing that can fall off of your person should be taken onto the climb floor.
7) Get Fitted For A Harness
Staff will show you how to put the harness on. Tighten the waist strap before you tighten the legs so that it is high enough on the waist. Then tighten legs. All straps should be tight enough that you can’t get your hand between your body and the harness in any area. Some harnesses will need to be double-backed. Staff will show you how to do this.
8) Receive An Orientation
All new guests go through a quick bouldering & auto-belay orientation. This takes a few minutes and gives you the rundown on the gym and how to stay safe.
9) Climb On!

Safety First
Rock climbing is an inherently dangerous sport. When you choose to climb or belay a climber, you take your own safety and the safety of another person into your hands. At Crux we work to make sure that each climb in our gym is as safe as possible, and that climbers are prepared to handle their own safety responsibilities.
Before being allowed to belay a fellow climber, gym-goers must pass our belay-certification test. We offer lessons that teach these skills and more.
We use fixed grigris as our belay devices for top roping in the gym. For anybody unfamiliar with grigris, these are the safest belay devices on the market today with their auto-locking feature. While this is a helpful back-up a belayer must still remain as vigilant as ever when using a grigri.

Q & A
What if I know how to belay and want to belay a friend at Crux?
This entails a staff member watching you belay while backing you up. If you pass our safety test your computer profile will be changed to Belay Certified and you’ll be given a belay tag that must be worn every time you are belaying in the gym in order to belay. You must have a partner to test out on belay. Staff cannot be your climber.
Does Crux recognize belay certs from other gyms?
No. You must be tested out at Crux to belay here.
How do I learn how to belay?
We have five auto belays so you do not need to know how to belay to climb here. But when you’re ready to learn, we have 20-minute belay lessons. You will need a partner to do a lesson.
Do I need to bring a belay device to belay?
We have belay devices already attached to top ropes for belayers to use. If you want to use your own, you may slide ours to the end of the rope and attach yours above it. For Lead Belay you will need your own device. We do not rent or loan belay devices out.
Do I need to bring a rope?
We provide gym ropes for top and lead climbing. You can bring your own if it is clean. Not all ropes are long enough to get across the ceiling-beam climb. Ask desk staff if climbing the beam.
Can I come and go on a Day Pass?
Yes, just turn in gear before leaving and upon returning let desk staff know you were in earlier.
Does Crux have free monthly Guest Passes for Members?
No, we have opted to keep Membership prices lower for all instead of giving guest passes to those who would use them.
Can I bring my pet?
We do not allow pets at Crux.
How do I adopt an animal from Crux?
Fill out our adoption application and email us proof of home ownership or landlord approval. Once the paperwork is approved, simply pay the adoption fee, and bring in a pet carrier to pick up.
Where do I order a drink?
At the front desk. We have Menus on the tables and at the desk.
Climbing Events
Friday Night Happy Hour
Every Friday from 6PM – 10PM
Why not turn “happy hour” into “climbing hour”? Ditch the drinks and spend Friday nights at Crux for half-price climbs. Start your weekends right and save!